Они прoвoдятся бeсплатнo, дoстатoчнo пoдать заявку или активирoвать прoмoкoд. В пoдoбных мeрoприятиях разыгрываются турнирныe дeньги и брeндирoванныe мeрчи. Чтoбы узнать сумму приза, нужнo выбрать oдну карту из прeдлoжeнных. Выигрыш выплачиваeтся рeальными дeньгами и пeрeвoдится в тeчeниe 1-3 днeй. Для гэмблeрoв пoдгoтoвлeнo нeскoлькo бoнусoв Пoкeр Дoм. Оператор и партнеры казино ежемесячно публикуют свежие купоны. Их можно […]
Building Financial Confidence and Business Knowledge for Barangay Canitoan Mothers
In a heartwarming initiative aimed at community growth, JCJ Tax and Accounting Services, in collaboration with Andam Higala Inc., conducted an empowering session for the mothers of Barangay Canitoan. The event was designed to provide essential financial skills and guide participants through the process of business compliance, a critical step towards fostering self-sufficiency and entrepreneurial success.
The session was filled with enthusiasm as the mothers, many of whom harbor dreams of establishing their own small businesses, eagerly participated in understanding the intricacies of business legalization. From learning about documentation requirements to navigating regulatory procedures, the attendees were engaged in the hands-on training. This included practical exercises on estimating start-up costs tailored to their unique business ideas.
Beyond imparting technical knowledge, the event created an interactive space for collaborative learning. The trainers from JCJ Tax and Accounting Services gained valuable insights into the mothers’ aspirations and innovative business concepts, reinforcing the importance of community-oriented approaches to economic development.
By empowering these women with the tools to pursue legal and financially sound business ventures, we contribute not only to their personal growth but to the sustainable development of the community as a whole. The session underscored that with the right knowledge and support, aspiring entrepreneurs can transform their visions into reality.
#Empowerment #FinancialSkills #BusinessRegistration #CommunityDevelopment
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